Zeke and Luther Wiki

Coach Carp and Ginger

No Screenshot
Gender: Male
Age: 40's
Nationality: American
Hometown: Gilroy
Friends and Family

Coach Carp is a semi-antagonist, who appears once in Two Guys, a Car, and a Wild Bear.


He first appeared when Ginger came to his office, and informs him that he gave her a "B" instead of an "A" in his class, but he confirms that it was no mistake, as he explains that while Ginger's pushups were clean, on her 17th push up, her noses didn't touch the ground, and that why she got an "B". This led to a Prank War against him and Ginger.

However, the last prank led to the Coach coming to her and Zeke's house for a Parent/Teacher conference, but when he was told they weren't home, he thinks she was lying as he went to the garage, where she warns him about The Bear and he thinks she's joking and told her that if there is a bear, he will give her an "A", only to be attacked and realize that there was a Bear.

While it is unknown what happened, it can be assumed that he gave Ginger the 'A' as he promised.
