Luther Jerome Waffles was born in Don's Donuts, as revealed in the episode "Head of Skate". He was born on Feb 29, 1996, as revealed in the episode "Luther Turns 4". He's been best friends to Zeke since they were young and both love skateboarding, Luther can be a bit of an airhead sometimes but still possesses a fun personality which only strengthens his bond with Zeke. He adopted a rat that "Jumpsuit" Johnson captured, and named it Lucky whom Luther adopts as both his pet and good luck charm. Luther is also a C- student in class but in the episode "Summer School", he gets an A+ by filling in the circles on his ScanTron test sheet in such a way that it resembles a T-Rex. Luther is the younger than Zeke but is taller than him being about 6'2". Minus skateboarding, Luther's other hobbies including cup staking, basketball, and also karate which he has black belt in (Which surprised Zeke when he found out.). Both Luth and Zeke are considered the best skaters in town but Zeke believes his pal maybe the best.