Rollerdorks is the 15th episode of Season 1 of Zeke and Luther. It aired on November 16th, 2009. A war ensues when the Rollerdorks take over Ramps favorite hangout spot
Episode Summary[]
Ginger is having a picnic by herself outside listening to the radio. Zeke crashes into the picnic angering Ginger. Zeke then gets calls from Luther, Kojo and Ozzie saying that there's a problem at ramps. Zeke heads down and sees the Rollerdorks at ramps. He goes to their leader ramone and asks him to take his group elsewhere. When ramone refuses, Zeke & the skaters pelt frozen waffles at the Rollerdorks. Luther then sees a Rollerdork girl named Charlene and falls for her. They meet up at don's donuts but hide when ozzie comes into Don's because they can't be seen together. The rollerdorks get revenge on the skaters by covering the ramps in lotion causing all of them to crash. Zeke decides to get revenge by attacking them with chili filled balloons. Luther sees the rollerdorks at ramps and tells charlene that the rollerdorks are going to be attacted by the chili balloons and charlene warns them and they all leave. Zeke and the skaters later find Luther dancing with the rollerdorks and zeke threatens ramone with a chili balloon. All the skaters except for Zeke want to ban luther from ramps but Luther tells them about how awesome Charlene is. Zeke suggests that Luther breaking with charlene is the only way he can be unbanned. Kojo goes with luther to make sure he lets her down properly. Luther has a hard time breaking up with Charlene but Kojo bluntly tells Charlene that it's over between her and Luther and Charlene throws a donut in Kojo's face. Ramone decides to challenge Zeke to a slalom race to determine who gets to stay at ramps. Zeke wins but when he realizes that Luther and Charlene will never see eachother again, he emphazies with him and says that everyone can hang out at ramps.
Meanwhile, Ginger is trying to get revenge on zeke for wrecking her picnic by putting mustard in his toothpaste. Ginger learns that her friend poochies bird is potty trained wery well and only poops on bullseye targets. the then puts a bullseye target on zekes helmet where he gets pooped on twice, but he came prepared with an umbrella after he won the slalom race.
At the end of the episode Zeke tells Ginger that he knows she sent poochies bird to poop on Zekes helmet. They both fake a truce by putting a target on eachothers backs.
Luther: "It's my first date with a roller dork, I should probably shower and shave even though I've never done that before (get's up). (sits backdown) I mean shave I shower 8 times a day".