Zeke and Luther Wiki

Skate squad is the 21st episode of Zeke & Luther and the last episode of season 1. It aired on February 1st, 2010.

Episode Summary[]

Zeke and Luther are tired of their school P.E. class, which consists of violent dodgeball games. Along with Kojo and Ozzie, they decide to form a school varsity skateboarding team, which will exempt them from gym classes. Miss Aldretti, the vice principal at Buzz Johnson High School, approves their school skate team, named the Woodpeckers. Zeke, the team coach, is surprised to learn that his team receives a $400 check, which is given to every new school team as start-up money. The team spends the money on new clothing and food. Later, Aldretti informs Zeke that Yuba Tech has its own school skateboarding team, the Yuba Tech Honkers, which wants to challenge his team to a relay skate race. When Zeke questions whether his team is capable of winning a race, Aldretti tells him that declining to race will require that he repay the $400 check, which has already been spent. Zeke agrees to the race, and makes Luther the anchor skater for the competition, which puts pressure on Luther to succeed. Zeke is surprised at how well Ozzie skates, until discovering that he has been cheating with the use of solar panels attached to his board. Not being allowed to cheat, Ozzie loses the desire to race. Kojo wants to quit the race when cheerleader Monica Lopez ends their relationship, as she considers him too needy. Zeke apologizes for putting pressure on Luther, and convinces Kojo and Ozzie to race. The Woodpeckers ultimately win the race.



  • This is the last episode of Season 1.
  • This is the first appearence of Monica Lopez.
  • Zeke & Luther's high school won state for skateboarding.